‘Extend’ AD user expired password. Do not do it unless you have a really, really good reason!

PS > Get-ADUser -identity johnd -properties passwordlastset | ft Name, passwordlastset

Name                                                                                                 passwordlastset                                                                                    
----                                                                                                 ---------------                                                                                    
John Doe                                                                                             04.12.2015 14:15:15 

PS > $ADUser = Get-ADUser -identity johnd
PS > $ADUser.pwdLastSet = 0
PS > Set-ADUser -instance $ADUser
PS > $ADUser.pwdLastSet = -1
PS > Set-ADUser -instance $ADUser
PS > Get-ADUsert-aduser -identity johnd -properties passwordlastset | ft Name, passwordlastset

Name                                                                                                 passwordlastset                                                                                    
----                                                                                                 ---------------                                                                                    
John Doe                                                                                             04.02.2016 06:06:14

When you set pwdLastSet property to zero you actually force user to change her password immediately. This may become handy in certain situations.